In order to register, log in and use the platform follow the steps:
- Go to
- If you already have an account, select LOG IN from the top menu. If you want to start a new account, click REGISTER
- To log in, enter your e-mail address and password.
- To register, fill in the form. Fields marked REQUIRED must remain filled. If your login or e-mail address was previously used on the platform, then you will receive the appropriate message.
- To activate the account, follow the information provided in the e-mail
you have received. - After activating your account, you can log in and start completing your profile on WeRskills ePlatform.
How to work with the platform
After logging in to your account, the top menu contains the following options:
- PROJECT RESULTS – subpage placed in one place of the project: report, best practice guides, afforestation and test projects.
- WeRskills internet platform – the subpage contains a description of the platform.
- MY PROFILE – the subpage contains information about us. put here:
– Profile picture
– Photo avatar
– Describe yourself
– A description of your skills
– Photos
– Check who our friends are
– Check which groups we belong to
– View our entries on Groups - MEMBERS – we can see all users of the user’s users there.
GROUPS – here we can see all groups. Does the group have access to everyone and can publish information in them. The group should include the group for the possibility join her.
ACTIVITY – here we can see our activities on the platform.
FRIENDS – Here we can see users where they are ready friends.
MESSEGES – you will see here which ranges have written to you.
- INVITATION – You will see friendships from users here set.
Groups are divided into public and private. Everyone has access to the public ones, they have access to the private ones access only by people whose request to join has been approved by the administrator platforms.
On groups (as on other social portals) we can add entries and comment and expressing opinions using emoticons. We can also see who is a member of a given group and establish private contact with him.
The purpose of the platform is to establish contacts and cooperation.